This is a high frequency project and is part of a portable power circuit.

For this project we are using a Cypress PSoC to configure several PWM components. These components are used to generate a pulse train which can be controlled by software. We can change the frequency and duty cycle of the signal. This DC signal will go to a power transistor/MOSFET and supplies a voltage (workbench power supply for now) to a bifilar coil. This supplied voltage will increase inside the coil and is stored in a super capacitor array.

To check the effect of above generated signal, a feedback circuit is in place. This circuit contains a LTC1049. This is a high performance, low power zero-drift operational amplifier. The Sequencing SAR ADC component in the Cypress PSoC 4 is used to read the analogue signal from this circuit. This component has a resolution of 12-bit at 1Msps.

Some sensors will be added to the system (like temperature, charge/discharge). These sensor values will be logged and are available for later analysis. With an Adafruit Bluefruit LE (Bluetooth Smart, Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth 4.0) nRF8001 Breakout, a service is available for connecting a smartphone or tablet.

Adafruit nRF8001 Bluefruit LE Breakout